Regular vaccinations are a vital part of your dog’s health care. Be sure to keep your dog’s immunizations up to date.
Vaccines, inoculations, immunizations, or shots — no matter what term you use, the goal is to help keep your dog in good health. All dog guardians should fully understand which vaccines are required for their dogs, and the purpose and reason behind them.
Rabies virus vaccine
Rabies is a preventable viral disease that is typically transmitted through the bite of an infected animal.
- The rabies vaccine is typically required by law, and you may be required to register your pet with your state, city, or county government.
- This disease can cause acute inflammation of the brain in dogs, humans, and other warm-blooded animals. Rabies is 100% fatal once the pet shows clinical signs.
There is no treatment for rabies in dogs, so vaccination is the only protection you can offer your pet and his community.
Distemper, infectious hepatitis/adenovirus, parvovirus, parainfluenza (DHPP) vaccine
The DHPP vaccine prevents several serious, transmittable diseases between our canine friends. This vaccine covers distemper, infectious hepatitis/adenovirus, parvovirus, and parainfluenza.
- Distemper is a highly contagious and often fatal disease of the respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous systems. Young dogs are more susceptible, but older dogs that are not well-protected are also at risk.
- Adenovirus is associated with canine infectious hepatitis, and is one cause of canine infectious tracheobronchitis. This disease is spread through respiratory secretions, urine, and feces. Young dogs are the most susceptible to this illness.
- Parvovirus is a highly contagious, aggressive, and sometimes rapidly fatal gastrointestinal virus. Direct contact with an infected animal’s feces and objects infected by the virus causes near-immediate infection.
- Parainfluenza is a common and highly contagious cause of infectious tracheobronchitis. This is mostly contracted through airborne transmission between dogs. Dogs of all ages are susceptible, but unvaccinated or inadequately vaccinated dogs are at the highest risk.
Leptospirosis vaccine
Leptospirosis is a bacteria that is contractible by both animals and humans, and causes liver and kidney failure in pets.
- This bacteria is shed in the urine of an infected animal and can be transmitted through exposure to infected urine. It can be transmitted from dogs to humans.
- Leptospirosis is typically found in areas where standing or slow-moving water is present. It is now widespread throughout North America, including in both cities and rural environments.
- If your pet goes on hikes in mountainous regions or swims in lakes, streams, creeks, or rivers, or is exposed to urban bodies of water, such as ponds, it is important that you discuss this vaccine with your veterinarian.
Bordetella (kennel cough) vaccine
Bordetella, or kennel cough, is spread in the air and is typically found in boarding facilities, grooming facilities, and dog parks. Any high-dog-traffic areas are a potential threat for Bordetella.
- Symptoms include a a dry, hacking, horrid cough
- A biannual vaccine is available for your dog and is sometimes required for boarding, dog daycare, or grooming businesses.
- Talk to your vet and your dog’s care team to see if your dog should get a regular Bordetella vaccine.
Titer testing
A relatively new addition to the world of pet vaccinations is titer testing. Titer testing involves taking a sample of your adult pet’s blood to determine if he has enough antibodies to stay immunized against a particular disease without additional vaccinations.
The jury is still out on the true effectiveness of titer testing and whether titers are completely trustworthy in determining your dog’s immunization. They are also not accepted by most US states for rabies vaccination compliance. Additionally, titers may not be accepted by boarding facilities as proof of vaccination for other diseases.
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